How We Work
"Microcredit has shown us how you can reach out to people that conventional banking cannot. It has demonstrated that it is a doable proposition"
- Muhammad Yunus
The synergic collaboration between Italian companies and istitutions committed towards sustainable development and our African partners allows us to gather and distribute funds in an efficient and transparent way
Funding Process
1. Project Selection
We select the best projects prosed by Zimba Women who carefully collects all the proposal for their business. ​
4. Start Microcredit
Zimba Women gives the funds to the selected women by transferring the capital on their Penda Capital account.
2. Fund Raising
We collect the funds that the companies invest for financing these projects.
After 6 months we provide the investors an report the shows the social impact made.​
5. Monitoring and Support Projects
Zimba Women will operate in local, supporting and checking on the activities of the women.
Penda Capital will provide us quarterly financial reports
3. Fund Distribution
The funds get transferred to Zimba Women that supervises and supports the women entrepreneurs throughout the process.
6. Valuation and Reinvestment
After 6 months, we analyse the results of each project funded and we create impact reports and we reinvest totally the funds providing a continuous and autonomous development